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The Universal Platform offers any football game developer a quick way to develop their games


Matchday ID

The Matchday ID provides a shared authentication system across all games in the Matchday Universe, making it seamless for users to play and use their in-game assets across games.


Every Matchday user can build up multiple clubs, each with its own identity.


Prorata is our multivariate data model that distills real life performance data of footballers into ratings for use in gameplay.

Generative AI Match Engine

We have built an event-based AI match engine using LLMs - with Prorata as an input - for any game on the Universal Platform to use.

Universal Items and Standards

All items in the Matchday Universe have the ability to be used in any game. For Matchday Universe games to share items we develop established data standards across all kinds of in-game items - from footballer cards to cosmetic items. A set standard also lets us easily expand the catalog of in-game items to support user-generated content (UGC).

Universal Currency

The Matchday Universe games will share a single underlying virtual currency. Each game is encouraged to build their currency systems on top of the universal currency. This is currently Matchday Gems.


We believe that in order to foster true ownership, in-game items need to be part of a free market. To us, this means giving users the ability to trade items, whether on our marketplace or other marketplace. But what underpins this must be integrity and security of any trade. We have seen far too many instances of users getting scammed by attempting to purchase an item they really want through black markets. We are stopping that.

All items in the Matchday Universe - at the discretion of each individual game - can be listed on the Matchday Marketplace. To limit speculators and to encourage active participation in the Universe, we impose minimum progression requirements in order to unlock tradability.


Finally, we have to be able to expose all of the above to any game that wants to build in the Matchday Universe. To do so, developers would just have to integrate with the APIs offered by the Platform.

Development Status

Item Status Update
Matchday ID 🟒 Completed and released
Clubs 🟑 TBD: Multiple clubs per user
AI Match Engine 🟒 Completed and released
Universal Items and Standards 🟒 Cards completed and released
Universal Currency 🟒 Gems completed and released
Marketplace 🟒 Completed and released
APIs ⏸️ Full set of APIs on hold till game 2